2006 - photo by Don Bick

Saturday, December 5, 2009

December happenings..
December 6th..Bill Thomson, Communion service
Dec. 8th 2 -2:30 Advent Retreat Come and Just BE!!!!
3 - 4:30 Heroes and Misfits Final Session...Pizza and Pop day

Dec. 10th...Ecumenical Women's Christmas Gathering Pot Luck supper at 6. Recyled gift exchange. Please bring a friend.

Dec. 13th..Marj Mack..Baptismal service. Children's time also. Lunch following the service. Please bring sweets.

Dec. 15th Advent Retreat 2 - 2:30

Dec 20th..Lyle Wright..worship leader

Dec. 21st...Blue Christmas Service at 7 :30.
Dec. 22nd...Advent Retreat 2- 2:30

Dec. 24th..Christmas Eve service at 8 pm.

Merry Christmas

Dec. 27th...TBA

We are collecting food for the food bank each Sunday of Advent, to help those without this Christmas. There is a box in the foyer of the church.

A BIG THANKS to those who decorated the church and trees.


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