2006 - photo by Don Bick

Monday, January 8, 2007

Four Group System

We have Four Groups who do the actual work at the church. These groups are responsible for cleaning of church structure; vacuuming, dusting, bathrooms, emptying garbage, etc.
They are also responsible for lawn cutting and yard work in the spring/summer, as well as snow removal in the winter.
For the month that your group is in charge, we ask that you have a greeter at the front door, as well as ushers for offering, and if required lay readers.
If by chance there is a "service of remembrance" during your month, then it would be helpful to have some of your group serve the lunch and clean up afterwards.
A new responsibility is for visitation. We would ask that during your month of church duties, you would take a few moments and visit Buena Vista, Pioneer's Haven or the residents at Hillside Lodge, or any others who are shut in or wanting a visit from the church. This is an experiment, so let's try and make it work.
January Marian/ Glenda's group is in charge.
February Ivy/ Eleanor
March Richard/ Virg
April Marj/ Shauna
May Marian/ Glenda
June Ivy/ Eleanor

If you are not sure whose group you are on, please check in the church foyer for the listing of the four groups, or contact the church office.
We greatly appreciate all the volunteers that keep our church working efficiently. Give yourselves a pat on the back.

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